Backed by scientific evidence.

[And thousands of client results]


Suitable for people of all ages and lifestyles wanting to take the best care of their body (athletes, non-athletes, injury recovery, training recovery, aches, pains, tension, postural rehab, maintenance, sporting event prep etc).

Your expert therapist will assess your symptoms and condition, then tailor the treatment to meet your specific needs and preferences (you can choose a gentle, or a stronger treatment).

We will utilise the Manual Therapy methods that suit your body best (sports massage, deep tissue massage, remedial massage, dry-needling, k-taping, cupping, IASTM). We may also incorporate some stretch and exercise coaching if that will provide the best outcome for you.

Pregnancy Massage: Massage before, during and after pregnancy assists the body by improving soft tissue health and joint function, improving circulation, relieving general fatigue, reducing swelling and helping with stress.

Lymphatic Massage: A powerful whole body treatment that works to move the lymphatic fluid through the lymphatic capillaries and lymph nodes. It is performed with a light and nurturing touch, and can be used on people of all ages in varied situations including; rehabilitation after any surgery, people suffering from fluid retention and oedema, as an anti-inflammatory / anti-swelling technique for many conditions.

Oncology Massage is designed to help with the post-treatment implications of cancer such as surgery, lymph node removal, implanted devices, chemotherapy, pain and fatigue.

Relaxation Massage/ Myofascial Release

This treatment will relax your nervous system, improve fluid flow, calm your mind and relax superficial muscles and fascia.. without pain and discomfort. Treat yourself!


Who is The Muscle Mechanics for?

neck pain

Are you looking to resolve a niggle or injury?


People with pain & injury.

Every week we have new clients explaining “I’ve tried everything with different massage spas. And every week we surprise clients with the results we can achieve through intelligently applied massage therapy and movement (stretch/ exercise) coaching.

  • Recurring injury/ surgery rehab

  • Back pain, neck pain, knee pain etc

  • Tension headaches/ migraines

  • Pregnancy and post natal discomfort

  • Restricted range of motion/ tight muscles

  • Postural rehab

working on a laptop

Relax tight muscles, improve posture and keep your body feeling great with regular treatments.


All people wanting to take the best care of their body.

Just like a car, our bodies work much better with regular tune up’s.

Regular massage therapy is a great way to keep muscles supple, blood & lymph moving well, and the nervous system relaxed.

Routine sessions also give us the opportunity to address any small aches or pains before they can develop into harder to resolve problems.

Feel better, move better, sleep better, resolve niggles and get more out of your body.

a woman weight lifting

Want to recover faster + avoid injury?



Have you ever heard of a top athlete that doesn’t get regular massage therapy? Neither have we.

We are the massage therapists for The Highlanders, Otago’s NPC rugby team, and many more of Otago’s top athletes.

These athletes report faster recovery, drastically reduced injury frequency, improved athletic performance, increased range of motion, and better sleep.

“I love visiting The Muscle Mechanics. Knowing I can go online and book a massage when I am back in town to fit around my training schedule really aids my recovery. There are always little niggles that I need to stay on top of, and the expert TMM team help me to get the most of my training and keep me on the cricket field.” - Suzie Bates (NZ White Ferns, Otago Sparks).


The Muscle Mechanics Method:

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To begin your first appointment, we will spend 5-10 minutes assessing your symptom history, posture and movement to identify areas of tension and relative weakness in the soft tissues (muscle/ fascia).



The majority of your session will consist of expertly applied hands on techniques to rapidly relax tight muscles, increase fluid flow, improve fascia elasticity, and relax your nervous system.

This work is personalised to your needs and preferences, and can include deep tissue massage, myofacial release, dry-needling, joint mobilisations, rock tape, cupping, active release, or assisted stretching.

movement coaching


Depending on your needs and preferences, your therapist may coach you in a tailored routine of stretches and exercises designed to correct any observed muscle weakness, improve biomechanics, and increase control through range of motion.


Book your next treatment now.